MS Nurse PRO

Your gateway to become an accredited MS care professional

MS Nurse PROfessional is a European-focused, e-learning training curriculum for nurses who work with people living with multiple sclerosis. 

By joining MS Nurse PRO, you also become a member of a pan European MS nurse community​​​​​​​

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ms nurse pro online platform


MS Nurse PRO provides seven comprehensive, interactive courses, each focusing on a different aspect of MS. The first five courses form the core, foundation programme. For each completed course, members are awarded a badge that is displayed in their profile and a certificate of completion that can be downloaded. MS Nurse PRO also offers an advanced programme, which currently includes a course focused on rehabilitation (course 6) and research (course 7).

Kurs 1: Å forstå i multippel sklerose
Det er viktig for MS-sykepleiere å ha kunnskap om de sykdomsmekanismene som bidrar til utviklingen av MS. I denne modulen skal vi gå gjennom viktig informasjon som er nødvendig for å svare på pasientenes spørsmål om hva som forårsaker sykdommen, o
Kurs 2: Klinisk presentasjon
I denne modulen skal vi gjennomgå de ulike formene for MS og deres kliniske tegn, inkludert atypisk sykdomsdebut. Vi skal diskutere og definere de vanligste symptomene, i tillegg til prognosene for personer med MS.
Kurs 3: Diagnose og vurdering av multippel sklerose
I denne modulen skal vi gå gjennom kriteriene sammen med de tilknyttede diagnostiske verktøyene, samt resultatene og konsekvensene av disse på en slik måte at en MS-sykepleier lett kan forstå og tolke dette, i tillegg til å videreformidle informasjo
kurs 4: Behandling av MS
I denne modulen skal vi se nærmere på den farmakologiske behandlingen av multippel sklerose (MS). Vi skal se på sykdomsmodifiserende behandlinger (DMTer), samt relaterte spørsmål om pleie. In addition, symptom management strategies will be discussed
kurs 5: Pleie og støtte
MS-sykepleieren er en viktig støttespiller for den som er rammet av MS gjennom alle stadier av livet med sykdommen. MS-sykepleieren gir omfattende, evidensbasert informasjon, svarer på spørsmål, oppklarer (oversetter) kommunikasjon til og fra legen, h
Course 6: Rehabilitation in MS
This course highlights the importance and relevance of rehabilitation for the quality of life of people living with MS.
Course 7: Research in MS Nursing Practice
This course provides nurses with a clear understanding of the value of research and why it is important in MS nursing.



In our blog, we share news and relevant information with our community.

You can contribute an article by sending it to us via the ‘Contact Us’ form.

Reflecting on the Digital Skills Webinar
Reflecting on the Digital Skills Webinar

Summary on the webinar focused on digital skills to support neuroscience nurses involved in the management of people with MS.

Sign the Petition for Quality Access to Care
Sign the Petition for Quality Access to Care

Sign the One Million Minds petition & urge the EU to provide Quality Access to Care for people with MS & neurological conditions. Every voice counts! 

Digital skills in clinical neuroscience nursing practice
Digital skills in clinical neuroscience nursing practice

Empower neuroscience nurses! Join our online live webinar on Mon. 26 February, unlock digital tools for MS care. Register now for insights!


a community for MS nurses

MS Nurse PRO is an active community of nurses that strive for harmonised minimal standards of care for people living with MS across Europe to empower those people and their carers.

The mission of MS Nurse PRO is to provide both at the European and the national level, online and offline educational content, sharing and networking opportunities for nurses and other health care professionals working with people with MS in Europe.

Joining the MS Nurse PRO community is free for health care practitioners active in clinical practice. The community is open for professionals from all nationalities that work directly or indirectly with or for people with MS.

Organisations behind the project:

read more about us





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